Saturday, 16 January 2016

Something to SHARE: - Precious Gifts From Your Heart

When we send a gift to a person, we always hope that our gift will be the most outstanding and he or she could leave a big impression among all the gift that he or she had received. Hence, your gift has to be unique or hold a special meaning to the recipient in order to be outstanding. But, gifts shops nowadays obviously selling the same type of products, sometime you even buy the same item with another people for the same recipient. So, terms like D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) and personalised service started to step in to the gifts industry, which means you can have your gift to be design or produce with your own requirements. * Do not be too surprise, in the market, when there is a demand, there is a supply. (laugh) *

A couple of weeks ago, I accidentally found when I am scrolling down my Facebook and the advertisement of successfully attracted me to pop in their website. (I am crazy of anything that can be personalised because I can have my name on everything that they offered. XD) Basically, this is how the website looks like at the moment I search for it. 

Yellow highlights; 1) 7 Days Free Return   2) Free Delivery Above RM75 for West Malaysia

*** Notes the yellow highlights in the screenshot, customers can enjoy the benefits of '7 Days Free Return' and free delivery when customers spend RM 75 and above. (Free delivery currently available in West Malaysia only) provide printing services on various D.I.Y. gift items such as T-shirts, mugs, puzzles, phone cases, cushions, mouse pads, ceramic tiles, key chains and etc. You can personalised your gift by your own photos and special wording. Besides, they also offer online design tool which allow their customer to customise their gifts and have a pre-look. Do not worry if you are not that creative or innovative like me but you want your gift to be 'niche', their graphic designers are ready to help out at very affordable fee. 

With the clear layout of the website, customers can easily shop by the three main features at the top of the main page, which is 'Shop, Create and Gifts'

SHOP - Customers can 'Shop' when they really do not have any idea to put on a blank shirt and etc., perhaps you will get inspired from some design by the awesome designer of and start to design your very first.

           CREATE–  Customers can ‘Create’ their own personalised gifts with three steps that are easy as A. Choose a Gift, B. Upload a Photo, C. Enter a texts. Customers can customize the colour of the item and adjust the location of wording and photo as well.
GIFTS – Not sure what to send for your friend’s graduation? Pick one from the precious gifts collection. As usual, customers are always welcome to put on your idea on how customers want the gift looks like.

Here are some screenshots when I was testing the online design tool. 

           It is pretty easy and I am having fun when doing the design. The ways that carrys out the personalised service are slightly different from the others, it let customers participate partly in the process of production. It is totally YOURS product at last, because you can show your identity, your favourite character or maybe your favourite quote with the personalised service that offered by is conducting their service under brick and mortar channel, which means they operate a physical store and a online store at the same time. Customers always like something that they can feel and touch, do not worry if you are not advanced on using computer to make your design, just drop by at their office and they will assist you as well. I feel fortunate that they have a physical store that can let customers to pick up their order since I spend much of my time in the university instead of my lovely home in the city.

           Sound interesting? Feel like want to have a mug with your own name? Do not hesitate to access their website at  to get information or even place an order. (Remember to Sign Up before placing an order ^_^) 

          Don't miss out their upcoming promotion or any updates by subscribing their newsletter and follows them on Facebook, Instagram and so Twitter.

          Can't wait to place my order now and am feeling excited for the outcome!

We promise 100% satisfaction. 
                                                  If you don't absolutely love it, we'll take it back! ~Printcious~

Thursday, 14 January 2016


相信大家都知道菊花茶是什么,Chrysanthemum Tea是也。不管是平时筵席上的茶水还是农历新年时招待客人的饮料,普遍上我们都喝过不同形式的菊花茶,现场冲泡亦或是工厂包装的。

我对菊花茶的好感一直保持中等,但是有一次,我对某牌子的菊花茶彻底改观,甚至拒绝再喝。原因就是我曾在学校食堂里喝过感觉怪怪的菊花茶(那牌子的),不知道是坏了还是怎样,整个就和以前小时候的味道大不同,感觉非常难喝。从那时开始,渐渐地开始避免喝那牌子的菊花茶,深怕自己 ‘赔了银子又损了肠子’ 呀!但是人算不如天算,一次诗歌练习后,其中一位队员帮我们买饮料,问我要什么时,我就回了句类似 ‘都可以’ 或 ‘随便’ 的话。结果,他应该是觉得我那时脾气有点暴躁再加上天气实在热得不行,所以给我买了盒菊花茶消暑、消暑。哈哈哈!他那时应该没看到我的表情变掉的那一秒吧,我看到菊花茶时脑袋几乎傻了,心里 OS 着说 ‘怎么办?总不能说‘我不喜欢喝,拿走’这些话吧!多傲娇啊’。到最后还是乖乖的拆了吸管包装然后再一次准备试验。出乎意料的,饮料竟然甜甜的,完全恢复了我小时候喝过的味道,我那时就在怀疑,是因为买的人的关系还是其实前几次是我太衰了。(因为买饮料的是队里的男神啊 ~~~)

那一次的盒装菊花茶后,我还是很少光顾食堂冰箱里的菊花茶,深怕自己一不小心又走衰运啊!直到上个月(上两个月?),B姐在超市买了那牌子一元特价的瓶装菊花茶给我,我才勾起这段有点荒谬的回忆。但其实我还是对菊花茶心有余悸也,因为当B姐说这是买给我的时候,我心里的第一反应居然是‘什么?! 菊花茶!!’。现在回想一下还真有点想笑,哈哈哈!

好啦,这篇没有要特别讲诉菊花茶的故事/历史等,大家如果很期待就真的不好意思啦!最近很少书写中文了,文笔有些退步,大家请多包涵!我一定会努力看书,维持回我以前的水平。若能超越,再创巅峰,那就最好不过啦!嘻 :)

Monday, 11 January 2016

新学期开始~ 2016年拼了!


上个月期末假回家的时候,回母校参加了学弟妹们军乐队结业典礼。典礼结束后,大伙儿就一直拍照(不变的传统)。突然,有个大我两届的学长叫我加入他们一起拍合体照,因为他说:“ 你现在是alumni了,有资格拍这种照片了。” 我顿时心里颤了下,原来我也已经毕业一年了,以前看毕业的学长姐们不管你是哪一届的都一起拍的时候都没有想到,我有一天也会像他们一样,成为旧队友。

崭新的一年,新的一个学期,首先让我最开心的莫过于我上学期的期末考成绩。满分4分,我考了3.4分。我一开始只是希望GPA 和 CGPA能突破3.0大关就好,但万万没想到考出来的成绩超越了我所期望的。但是只差一点就能获得奖状表扬了,有点可惜。因为大学不是每个学期都一样的科目,所以也不能说我现在这几科考不错,下次再拼,拿更好!压根儿就科目不一样 (哭笑不得)


不管正在念书还是工作的大家也要一起加油,努力、努力、再努力哦!嘻 :)